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    4x4 Protection

    4x4 Bullbars

    A bullbar protects the front of a 4x4 vehicle and is important off-roading equipment needed for managing banks, logs, and other obstacles. Bullbars are available in various sizes, shapes, and materials. We offer bullbars for multiple makes and models. 

    There are several reasons why you should consider one of our 4x4 bullbars for your vehicle.

    • Safety. It prevents the high energy of an impact from dissipating through the entire vehicle. It reduces the damage to the vehicle and protects you and other people inside it.
    • Collision. If you accidentally hit an object or wild animal, the bullbar mitigates the damage.
    • General Protection. Aside from collision, the bullbar protects the vehicle from sticks, logs, rocks, and more. It also protects the vehicle from a front-on collision with another vehicle.
    • Mounting Point. The bullbar serves as a mounting point for winches, driving lights, sand-flags, and UHF antennas.

    4x4 Rock Sliders

    Rock sliders run along the bottom of the 4x4 between the fenders. This equipment creates structural integrity and protects against damage.

    Here are some reasons to install 4x4 rock sliders:

    • Body Protection. The most popular reason why people install rock sliders is to protect the body of the vehicle.
    • Pivot Point. You can use the slider to pivot around logs and other obstacles. They are ideal for managing tight turns.
    • Recovery Point. You can use sliders as attachment points to flip the vehicle back on your tyres after experiencing a rollover.
    • Step. Getting in and out of the 4x4 is easier because of the built-in step of the slider.

    For more information about our 4x4 protection products, contact us at PPD Performance. We are more than happy to answer your enquiries. 

    Leaders in 4x4 Protection